Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Shocking 11:11 Meaning No One Tells You | 11:11 New video by Jake Ducey

Shocking 11:11 Meaning No One Tells You | 11:11
Shocking 11:11 Meaning No One Tells You | 11:11 In this video I talk about 11:11 meaning, 1111 secrets and how I perceive 11:11 - and how you can use it for your own benefit... #1111 #1111Secrets #1111meaning Shocking 1111 secrets. 1111 meaning that no one tells you, do you see 1111 on your clock? Do you see it on your phone? And you've always wondered, what the heck does it mean in this video? I'm going to share that with you book versus an absolutely beautiful day here in Hawaii. And I'm so grateful I'm alive and I'm sending you lots of positive energy and this is going to change your life. And this is something that no one tells you about 1111. And how you can actually utilize this energy that you're seeing in order to create more of what you want in life. This is Jake doozy with Jake deucey.com this is surprising. It's may be shocking and this is definitely something no one has told you about 1111 meaning what is the meaning of 11:11 AM 1111 secrets. Let's dive right into this video. So the cool thing about life is that it's all about perception and you get to define your own perception. And the meaning that came to me for seeing, uh, once and specifically seeing any repeating numbers is unity. Right? What is one symbolizes oneness. It's unity and so what is the universe telling you? What? It's your subconscious telling you. It's telling you that you're one with what you want. Most people's biggest problem is they don't have that spiritual understanding and so they want money. They want a job, they want something in the world. They have a desire, they have a goal, but then they don't believe that they can get it. They think, I'm too old, I'm too young. That's what's standing in my way. They have reasons of things that they believe are standing in the way of them getting what they want and they don't realize that you're one with everything that you want already. What are you made up, up? You're made up of pure energy. You're an individualization of God. What is it? Money. What is a job? What is a car? What does the house, it's all made of energy. It's just at different rates and speeds of vibration and it's our perception of separateness from what we want. That creates the time delay of us getting what we want. To the degree that you don't see yourself as one with what you want and that you're, it's totally your right to have it. It's totally possible for you to the degree that you build up blocks towards what you want. It's that agree that you don't get it. That's crazy. And so the universe is saying what? Like when you wake up in the middle of the night and it's one 11 it's saying it's reminding you. To me the middle of the night is the best time to do affirmations that you wake up, go to the bathroom. Why? Because your conscious mind is gone. Especially if you just woke up. Your conscious mind is gone, so you're going direct to the subconscious and so every time you see one 11 1111 or other repeating numbers, what I invite you to do is use it as a sign of unity. Remind yourself, I am one with everything that I desire. What I want is on the way. Comment that down below. I'm one with everything that I desire. What I want is on the way. Comment that down below. I'm dead serious. Comment down below. I'm one with everything that I desire. What I want is on the way comment down below. You see this ocean right out here in my yard. You're one with that. You're one with that. See, people think that they're separate from things, but how could you be separate of every single thing is energy. It's all just different manifestations of one consciousness and you get to direct that consciousness using your perception. Now, a lot of people do at negatively. They say, I'm too old. I'm too young. I'm not qualified enough. I don't have the right education. I don't have the right resource. I don't have the right mentors. I'm not smart enough. I'm not deserving due to something that happened in my past. Here's the reason I can't have what I want. See, they're building separateness from what they want. Say it. I'm one with everything that I desire. I'm one with God. You're not separate from God. You're a divine beat. You're an individualization of that. Got Energy and that energy is, is using you to express itself. So every time you see that, make the reminder, I'm one with everything that I desire. What I want is on the way and notice that when you can start embodying that idea, you, you start to manifest quicker. The reason things don't show up vast in our life isn't cause it's hard. The reason that it doesn't show up is because we think we're separate from it. And if you think you're separate from something and you think that there's this reason and this reason you can't have it and your perception creates reality, then you're not going to have it. It's going to be impossible to do it.


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