Friday, April 12, 2019

This One Law Of Attraction Technique Will TRULY Change Your Life (The Secret) New video by Jake Ducey

This One Law Of Attraction Technique Will TRULY Change Your Life (The Secret)
This One Law Of Attraction Technique Will TRULY Change Your Life (The Secret) FREE financial success hypnosis recording download DEMO the 2nd Mind Neuroprogrammer @ In this video we talk about * change your life law of attraction * law of attraction technique that will truly change your life * this one habit will truly change your life * law of attraction * neville goddard * law of attraction coaching So in order to illustrate this habit, which I'm about to share with you, and you know, it sounded like anything you think, say your affirmations, do this thing, you know, wake up earlier. It's not nothing like that. Exercise more, meditate. It's nothing like that. And it's something that nobody talks about. And to most people, they'll simply not even be able to think this way out of all. And in order to illustrate this habit, before I share it with you, I want to share with you a really quick story of my own personal life and how I was able to use this. I was 19 years old. I dropped out of college and I decided that I wanted to write books and I backpacked around the world and I wanted to to to inspire millions of people and every single year, new years resolution came around and I wrote them down on paper and at the end of the year, every year I was never getting to that spot. I always seem to, I'm going to do this and I'm going to do this and then I'm going to do this and half of it branded up happening and I was stuck in this place where my, she's my wife now, Ashley was my girlfriend at the time. She was in debt because I couldn't pay for anything because my career wasn't taking off. Things weren't working out for me the way that I imagined at the start of every new year's resolution they would, and I came across an individual by the name of Neville Goddard, I think he's one of the top two or three greatest spiritual teachers and mystics of the 21st century for sure. And he said something quite interesting. He said that creation is finish, which is obviously what it says in the scripture, but he said, you're not creating anything, but that's how we're always looking at it. I realized that's how I was looking at life. I need to create this opportunity to create this goal. I need to create this reality. They need to create this amount of money. You need to create this relationship. I need to create this thing. I want to create this thing. I I dream of creating this thing and what that's implying is that it doesn't already exist. You said all you're really doing is manifesting what already exists. If creation is finished, right? That's a mystical like esoteric thing to say, creation has finished. What the heck does that mean? Well, let's look at it from a scientific perspective. Energy is never created or destroyed. That's what science says. Scripture says, creation has finished. Science says energy is never created or destroyed. They're saying the same thing. Creation is finished means everything is energy and energy is never created or destroyed. It moves just like water can move. Water can be in a liquid state. It could be in a, in an ice state. It could be in a vapor state. It can be in a total nonphysical gas state, steam it, it can manifest itself in different appearances in essence, in different frequencies. And that's what energy does. If energy is never created or destroyed, an energy is the building block of everything in this physical universe, including your body, your thoughts, your bank account, your home, your car, your relationships, everything in life is just energy. And if energy is never created or destroyed, it must mean everything that you want already exists. And I heard him say that and I was like, okay, so I can see how that's true. I every single year tell myself I want this, I want to create this, I desire this, I wish to achieve this. But what I'm really saying is I do not have it now. And so if energy is never created or destroyed, what determines what energy I'm experiencing? What determines which energy you are experiencing? Consciousness. And that's why science and quantum physics specifically talk so much about consciousness creating reality. Because your consciousness is, what's the term? Meaning how you will influence energy. Steve Jobs said the world was built by people no smarter than you, and this is the part that I love. And when you realize that you can mold, shape and change the world, your world, however you want, you can mold, shape and change it. How could you mold, shape and change your bank account? How can you mold, shape and change your career, your life, your success, your relationships, your health, your happiness, all of these things, your destiny? How could you do that? Well, the only way that you can do that is if everything is energy in your consciousness, has the ability to influence it. This One Law Of Attraction Technique Will TRULY Change Your Life (The Secret)


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