Sunday, May 31, 2020


'Do you find that you lack true power in your prayer life? Are you finding it hard to experience oneness with God in your time of devotion? Are you really aware of the benefits you have in the name of Jesus by faith?'

Scriptural Reference & Study: 
John 16:23-33
John 15:16
Ephesians 2:19
Hebrews 7:26-28
Mark 15:38
Ephesians 2:18-20
John 14:13-14
Hebrews 7:25

This weeks message reminds us of both the purpose and the power we have in God through the name of Jesus Christ by faith in Him.

A Special Mystery Shout of Thanks To:
‘My Father Pop Stewart & all the others men and women throughout the USA & around the world past, present & future for your service & sacrifice in keeping our country and borders safe us in ways we could never imagine so that we can enjoy the freedoms we do each day. To all my friends, family, brothers and sisters in Christ I send a heart felt THANK YOU today and everyday.'
-The Mystery Within-




***The Mystery's Challenge Of For Us All***
‘Let's ask God to give us true revelation knowledge of the power & privilege we have to properly use the name of Jesus Christ for victorious living and to forgive us for the times we have taken His name in vain.' Amen.

Count Your Blessings & Expect a Miracle This Week!!!…..
Be Encouraged & Keep Smiling! God is working….
Thank you for being my friend….God Bless you….
It Is My Privilege To Serve You….
Let Us All Wake Up To ‘True’ Reality of the Love of God, His Spirit & Mind Within & Be Blessed….

Let’s connect to build a better me…..a better you…..a better world!!!!

If you have never trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior and are tired of going through trials on your own, why not come to Him now? He can fill the void in your life with all the love, peace, joy and power you can imagine. Humbly, give Him entrance into your life and He’ll walk with you through every issue and difficulty giving you an unshakable hope in every area of your life. More than that, He suffered in both your place and my place on the cross so that we could be forgiven and experience His peace with God forever. My friend, accept the continual offer of salvation of God through Christ Jesus to all mankind by praying the following prayer from your heart in faith……

‘Lord Jesus, I believe You are truly the Son of God. I confess you as Lord and that I have missed the mark of your standards and sinned in my thought, word and deed. Forgive me and let me live in a conscious relationship with You from now on. I receive You as my personal Lord and Savior, accepting the work you accomplished on the cross by faith. Thank you for saving me. Give me the desire learn from you fully trusting Your Word, spiritual principles and wisdom. Help me to live a life that is not only pleasing to You but also beneficial to others and myself in a way that gives glory to God. In your Holy Name Jesus Christ I pray. Amen’.



God Loves You…Trust Jesus Christ,
Expect Success,

“What you desire knows you desire it….It is only waiting for you to ACT!”
-Evangelist GCStewart

For Comfort, Encouragement, Inspiration, Insight or Prayer:

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Wellness Saturday~ 05/30/2020

Here is today's wellness assistance to improve yourself for a healthier well-being. I hope this piece of advice helps with better self-care for greater bliss and success for today, tomorrow, and beyond!

Your bliss and success rely on the state of your being healthy in body, mind, and spirit. You deserve a better quality state of being, and that starts with good health. You deserve a fulfilled life and a satisfactory existence! Positively impact your sleep, hygiene, and nutrition for improved wellness. Become more active for a successful existence by deliberately practicing self-awareness toward choosing what's good and right for your health and well-being.

Remind yourself, you deserve to be, feel, and live a livelier lifestyle of more enjoyment and amusement as you continue.

CHEERS~ to your bliss with the best version of yourself as you're meant to be with your great day continuing~


#wellness #wellbeing #immunology #education #infographic

* This article was originally published here

Friday, May 29, 2020

Stop The Ghosting! Never Be Ghosted Again | Law of Attraction video.

Stop The Ghosting! Never Be Ghosted Again | Law of Attraction
Stop the ghosting. You will never be ghosted again with this Law of Attraction secret. Let everyone know to stop ghosting it's not fun. The secret to getting someone to stop ghosting you goes beyond trying to get a response from someone who ghosted you. The response is less important than the paradigm shift that Robert Zink will reveal in this incredible Law of Attraction video. When you get someone to stop ghosting you there is an energy shift that attracts your crush back to you. You can use this secret to get your ex back, save your relationship, create opportunities and so much more. How to get someone to stop ghosting you is hidden in the thoughts you think and the vibration you carry. This can all be shifted with the Law of Attraction. You do not need to plan your ghosting revenge or sit around trying to figure out ghosting reasons. All you need to do is this one secret to enter a new paradigm in your relationship. You will know what to do if someone is ghosting you at the end of this Law of Attraction video with Robert Zink. #stopghosting #robertzink #ghostingrelationship ------------------------- Check Out Our Ho'oponopono Video ------------------------ Everyone Is You Pushed Out. Neville Goddard ------------------------------------------------------ DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE SOULMATE EBOOK ------------------------------------------------------ FREE $100 SHIRT CHALLENGE If we meet you on the street wearing a Soaring High shirt, you win $100. ------------------------------------------------------ Follow us at


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Great Awakening Will be HUGE If You Can REPROGRAM Your SUBCONSCIOUS Mind...... (Just Do This!) video.

The Great Awakening Will be HUGE If You Can REPROGRAM Your SUBCONSCIOUS Mind...... (Just Do This!)
2020 Agenda Will be HUGE If You Can Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind... The Great Awakening Will be HUGE If You Can Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind... #TheGreatAwakening #Subconscious #SubconsciousMind Click Here For My Free Success Hypnosis ➡ Click Here to Demo the 2nd Mind For Free ➡ And we're told what to believe. We're told what to do with our lives. We're told to do all of these things and basically give up our own freedoms. Now, if you ask yourself a simple question, is this my belief? Or there's what you'll find is it's the key to all the freedom you ever want in life. There's a lot of people now waking up in this world that realize they've been doing jobs they don't love. The reason that they are doing them is because they were taught they can't make money that way. Oh, you can't make money that way with their big idea, their big invention, their big dream, their big vision. So they were talked out of what they wanted. It's not their belief. It's somebody else's belief. It's the agenda's belief that's been programmed into them. Now you can do this with anything. You can ask yourself a very simple question, is this my belief or somebody else's? Is this my belief? Or is this society's belief? And what you find out is most of them are her and ours, and these, our beliefs are everything. People have beliefs that they aren't good enough or smart enough to make money. I'm too old. I'm too young. I didn't go to the right school. I don't have the right resources. People have beliefs that they aren't powerful enough to change a world. Oh, the top one 10th of 1% the global elites, they have all the power and we're just w we just have to, we're just going to be stuck doing whatever they tell us to do. Then there's other people that believe there's no good guys that can't find the right women. Ask yourself is the belief that you have about your life, your belief or somebody else's. Now the reason that we ask this is the first step to be free from an unconscious belief system that's controlled you is to become aware of it. Subconscious quite literally means it's below conscious meaning we're unaware of it. So when we flip that around and we ask ourselves like mine used to be, I thought I was too young to be successful. I thought if I dropped out of college and I went and wrote books, I couldn't be successful at it. I had, they were rational, but they weren't really my beliefs. They were things that were programmed into me for so long that kept me, kept me stuck inside the control mechanism of the matrix. And this is what inhibited me of living, um, at my highest potential to influence the world in a positive way, to be as successful as I wanted to be. And I realized it was all an illusion. So ask yourself one simple question. Is this my belief or is this somebody else's? Step number two is to ask yourself a simple question, what beliefs softwares do I want to install in my mind? Think of your mind just like a computer. How do you get computer software on it? You install it. How do you get other computer software off it? You delete it due to neuroplasticity. We know that the brain actually gets wired and programmed. The elites of the world have known this and they've conditioned us for a very long time that we're insignificant than we aren't. That powerful. And it's been wired into our brains and passed through generations of people. So you have to recognize you have free will. Most people don't think they do. And the reason they don't think that they do is because they've been conditioned so much subconsciously that they basically become a machine. They become a robot. They've been calm. They become a subconscious pattern plan that plays out their entire life, but they don't realize that they could rechange their love life, their career, the money they make, the contribution they make in the world. If enough people do it, we could change the entire world. But most people have been so conditioned for so long to think that their subconscious patterns are ultimate destiny. But your subconscious though it controls 95% of your life. It's susceptible to be reprogrammed. But the only way you can reprogram it is to use free will to recognize what you want to put into it instead. So think of your brain and your mind like the most powerful supercomputer in the world. How to computers get programmed, they get programmed by putting updates in software. So ask yourself a simple question. What belief systems do I want? I inserted certain belief systems into my subconscious. I inserted the belief system that I was a multimillionaire. I inserted the belief system that I was in. I was a world renowned author, speaker, online personality, inspiring millions of people and making millions of dollars that I was worthy of love and a fulfilling relationship.


Instantly Open Your Third Eye | Activate Pineal Gland (Ancient Technique and Meditation) video.

Instantly Open Your Third Eye | Activate Pineal Gland (Ancient Technique and Meditation)


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Inspiration Tuesday~ 05/26/2020

I am sharing this bit of inspiration today to benefit your ideal direction. Propel from apathy to possibility and transform how you perceive your own capabilities. Don't be eluded from inspiration... encourage inspiration to help with your circumstances, outcomes, results, and situations. Activate your inspiration within and seek to capture it by manipulating your settings to feel it.

Be open to spontaneously evoke inspiration. Allow yourself to transcend limitations and self-serving concerns with awareness and clarity of new possibilities. Strive to express and transmit your new ideas and vision into actualization. Be an inspired person open to new experiences, and absorb inspiration in your tasks, endeavors, adventures, and so on. Perceive subjects for its intrinsic value in the pursuit of a stronger drive to master your work with a less competitive nature.

Reprogram your belief system to positively impact your abilities, self-esteem, and lifestyle. Inspiration consequently affects your self-esteem, optimism, mastery of work, perceived competence, creativity, and absorption. Allow inspiration to elevate the positive effects of all that you do, and lower the negative effects.

CHEERS~ to fulfilling your aspirations...


#inspiration #quotes #inspiring #motivational #positiveinfluence

* This article was originally published here

Monday, May 25, 2020

Power of Words and Affirmations! |YouAreCreators YouTube RADIO 🎙 video.

Power of Words and Affirmations! |YouAreCreators YouTube RADIO 🎙
YouAreCreators.Tv is now on Patreon!!! Become a member to receive exclusive content:


How To NOT Let People's NEGATIVE ENERGY Affect You.. MUST WATCH!!! video.

How To NOT Let People's NEGATIVE ENERGY Affect You.. MUST WATCH!!!
How To Deal With Negative People And What NOBODY Tells You How To NOT Let People's Negative Energy Affect You.. MUST WATCH!!! #NegativePeople #NegativeEnergy Click Here For My Free Success Hypnosis ➡ Click Here to Demo the 2nd Mind For Free ➡ Okay, so the first thing to know when you're dealing with negative people is quite frankly, that you actually can't change the way somebody thinks. You can't. Even if somebody does ultimately change the way that they think, you didn't do it right, they came to their own conclusions. Ultimately that caused their mind to shift. Now, what happens a lot of times is there's a negative influence in our life in any capacity. Maybe it's someone that is questioning your dreams, maybe someone that just doesn't believe what you believe in in the world and society. And the problem becomes when we face negative opposition and we wish that it wasn't that way. We say, why is it like this? I wish things were different. I don't understand why they're like this. And we get into this place where we actually resist resistance. So if you resist resistance, the only thing that can persist is resistance. If you resist resistance, the only thing that can persist is resistance. Meaning that if you have a negative influence, a negative energy, a person that is adamant that you're wrong about something, to the degree that you try to defend your position and make yourself right again, or show them why they don't understand, or to the degree that you just simply keep questioning it. When did they get this way? When did they become so negative? Why don't they understand they're so stupid, they just don't get it. To the degree that you stay in. That consciousness of trying to figure it all out is to the degree that that energy will always control you. You've given your power away to it. So the first thing to note is that we actually quite literally cannot control their people. And the way to have a level of detachment about what's going on around us is to really recognize what this plane of existence actually is. So this is a world of polarity. Quite literally. There's a North pole and the South pole, there's also negative. There's light and dark. There's morning, then there's evening. We actually live in a world of polarity. We do. And that's the purpose of this realm. The purpose of this realm is to help us evolve by teaching us through polarity, by teaching us through desirable and undesirable mean and nice, uh, love and negative, uh, dark and light. The goal of this dimension isn't to be different. That's not the goal of this dimension. But what happens is people resist resistance. Why are they so negative? Why do they not understand? Why don't they get this thing? Why don't they? Why don't they? Why don't, why don't you understand? You don't get it. Just be nice. Wow. Why can't you have an open mind? To the degree that we resist resistance, we're actually resisting life. You never watch a river flow and go, why is it flowing? It's just so frustrating. Why can't it just stop? You don't resist nature. Yet. We try to resist the ultimate universal truth, which is we live in a polarity world. You don't resist the fact that the sun rises in the morning. You don't go, Oh my gosh, why does it have to do this again? It's going to get all bright and it's skin. My eyes are going to hurt. You don't do that, right? You don't want a cat Meow. You don't go, Oh my gosh, why can't it just bark? And when a dog barks, you don't go, can't you just Meow? We don't do that yet. We do it with the ultimate universal truth that we live in a world of polarity. What if this world was exactly what it's supposed to be and it's always going to be a world in this dimension of polarity. And what if the purpose of it was that it was a teaching ground for you to practice detachment, practice living your own truth, practicing, controlling your own energy, your own emotions, uh, having dominion and control over your own mind and your own consciousness. And what if all the negativity and all the polarity in the world is actually really God, it's actually really truth. It's actually really divinity in that it's here to help you evolve as a spiritual being. I know for myself, the greatest evolution that I've had has always been through negative things. It's always been through negative things. It's always been through negative people. See, one of the benefits that I have of being on the internet is, you know, a lot of people dig what I'm doing and a lot of people don't. And I've read, I've definitely read over 10,000 negative messages for sure.


Sunday, May 24, 2020

How to Create NEW BELIEFS That ATTRACT What You Want! (The Secret to Manifesting) Law of Attraction video.

How to Create NEW BELIEFS That ATTRACT What You Want! (The Secret to Manifesting) Law of Attraction
If you’re using the law of attraction to manifest something you want and it’s hasn’t shown up yet, this is the secret to manifesting it! ✅FREE Online Masterclass AND Meditation MP3 Download ➡️"How To Train Your Brain for EFFORTLESS Manifestation!" Our beliefs create our reality and you are the creator of your life. When you learn how to challenge beliefs that block you from manifesting, and create new, empowering ones, you can attract what you want in a much more effortless way. This is the secret to manifesting what you want. It’s all within you internally. The experience you create as your reality is directly connected with your mind. We can stop reinforcing negative experiences and instantly begin to create a new reality any time we choose. This is how the law of attraction works. You are not at the mercy of your past conditioning. You are a creator intended create new events and experiences in each new present moment, and you 100% hold the power to do so! #lawofattraction #thesecret ✅ CATCH UP ON ALL OF MY VIDEOS & TECHNIQUES HERE ➡ ✅ Help me caption and translate this video! ➡ ✅If you'd like to fan fund the Your Youniverse Channel click here ➡ ✅ My book: 50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power ➡ *Video Production/Content Copyrighted by Your Youniverse Channel ✅Subscribe to my channel for more videos on the law of attraction and the secret to mastering your mind. ➡ My websites and social media links: 🌸 (Exclusive Members Site) 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 More Your Youniverse law of attraction and mind secret videos: Law of Attraction Affirmations to ATTRACT LOVE! (Manifest True Love) Meditation 528hz Hidden Mind Power & How to Use It! (Neville Goddard) 3 Ways to ACCELERATE Your Ascension Process & Spiritual Awakening! (Raise Your Vibration) Spiritual Awakening Guided Meditation | Raise Your Consciousness & Activate Your Higher Self How to Embrace CHANGE & Expand in Uncertain Times! Global Meditation for Healing and Awakening! (Free MP3 Download) Change Your THOUGHTS to Change Your LIFE! (Power of the MIND!) Law of Attraction Workshop Excerpt Hidden Teachings of the Bible 2 – More Secret Knowledge Revealed! (Powerful Info on Manifestation!) Open Third Eye Chakra Guided Meditation (SPECIAL RELEASE Meditation!) Activate Your Pineal Gland Law Of Attraction | the secret | mind | powerful | key | success | life | coach | coaching | training | inspiration | motivation | coaching (industry) | motivational | positive | inspirational | new | 2019 | attract | create | manifest | how to manifest what you want | how to attract what you want | learn this | Your Youniverse Channel | How to Create NEW BELIEFS That ATTRACT What You Want! | The Secret to Manifesting | law of attraction beliefs | your youniverse


The GREAT AWAKENING and What NOBODY Tells You. MUST WATCH!!! video.

The Great Awakening And What NO ONE Tells You #TheGreatAwakening #Awakening #GreatAwakening Click Here For My Free Success Hypnosis ➡ Click Here to Demo the 2nd Mind For Free ➡ That's number one from fear to courage. Nelson Mandela said that courage isn't the absence of fear. It's when you're afraid and you do something anyways. Our whole society and the whole control mechanism of society runs off of fear. People are afraid to be different. People are afraid to follow their dreams. People are afraid to do everything. They're afraid of the consequences. They're afraid of the consequences that they go ask somebody out. They're afraid of the consequences that they pursue their dreams. So instead they give them up and they get some job to hate for the rest of their lives because they're told they can't be successful at what they want. They're afraid, they're afraid, they're afraid, they're afraid, they're afraid. And that's how the control mechanism works. The Gallup poll said that 78% of people are actively disengaged from their jobs, politically correct way to say almost everybody hates what they do and their number one cause of illness is stress-related. So there's all this unconscious resentment and feeling of unfulfillment that has festered in the human collective unconsciousness. And it has created a very divisive world. A world where a lot of people are unfulfilled. A lot of people are unhappy, a lot of people are doing things they hate their whole life. They don't have a sense of meaning, they don't have a sense of purpose and therefore they have low self esteem. So that carries into relationships. People are afraid to ask people out. People are afraid to go for their dreams, and the first step of the great awakening is because of all the stuff that's happened and kind of the world falling apart. In a lot of ways what it's going to do is that it's going to make a lot of people ask one simple question, what do you have to lose? And the answer is not very much anymore, right? Like so many people have lost their jobs. There's been over 40 million claims or unemployment, and so what's happening is people are going, what else is there to lose? Everybody has their own purpose and the real shift to the great awakening. It's not like the great awakening is in political. The great awakening is a shift from living inside the matrix in the rat race to finding meaning. And when everybody finds meaning and lives a purposeful life, the world's going to change. And everybody has their own unique thing. Some people, it's music. Some people, it's nonprofits and people, it's technology. Some people are meant to have billion dollar ideas that change the world. Some people are meant to be authors and writers. Some people are meant to create the most amazing, healthy family ever. Everybody's got their own thing, their own meaning and its objective. It's something that you come across yourself. I can't tell you what your purpose is. Nobody can. But the first step in the shift is to live with meaning. And a lot of times that's scary because it might mean for me it was dropping out of college when I was 19 years old, backpack around the world, self publishing a book when nobody would publish it. And building this career that became, you know, relatively very successful. And there was so much fear and so much questioning of myself and questioning of my intuition. Um, and I was afraid and I doubted myself, but it was courage that courage isn't the absence of fear. Now the shift occurs when people find meaning. So the first step and the first side is to look at the fears in your life that may have controlled you for a long time and ask yourself, what am I meant to be doing? What am I meant to be accomplishing? How can I find meaning in my life? It might be the, you're supposed to help single mothers or underprivileged kids. It could be anything. It might be that you create the greatest real estate company in the world or artists or anything. So the question is why not you and why not now? So comment down below. It's time to wake up calming down below. It's time to wake up. Okay. Step number two is a shift from dependence to self-reliance, from dependence to self-reliance. So you think about our world, we're dependent on everybody and it's not just like, Oh, we're dependent on food from somebody. Our whole self image and invalidation system comes from other people and we've been programmed and conditioned in a world where we want so bad to belong, that oftentimes we give up our own individuality just to fit in because we've been conditioned for so long to believe we are good enough and smart enough.


Friday, May 22, 2020

My Response to Joe Rogan’s $100 Million Deal with Spotify - The Great Awakening Has Begun video.

My Response to Joe Rogan’s $100 Million Deal with Spotify - The Great Awakening Has Begun
My Response to Joe Rogan’s $100 Million Deal with Spotify - The Great Awakening Has Begun In this video I respond to Joe Rogan reportedly taking a $100M deal with Spotify. Many news organizations are now saying that he is doing it fight censorship. If this is true, then it a big next step on the process of the great awakening of humanity. So today we talk about the great awakening and what Joe Rogan's deal means. #JoeRogan #TheGreatAwakening


Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Law of Attraction - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly... video.

The Law of Attraction - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly...
The Law of Attraction - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly... Click Here For My Free Success Hypnosis ➡ Click Here to Demo the 2nd Mind For Free ➡ Transcript.. So here's the good news about the law of attraction. It's always working whether or not you believe in it. And the cool thing about that is it relies totally on your own free will. So the law of attraction isn't based off of some airy fairy thing from Harry Potter. We're talking about actual quantum physics. So the observer effect, you should probably Google it on your own and look into it because it's magnificent. So the observer effect basically shows us that through quantum physics they were researching and they were studying into the intricacies of physical matter of the, of the atoms of the walls, of the chairs, that type of stuff, right? And so we find out that there's things smaller than Adam's. First of all, an Adam is 99% empty space, which is nuts in and of itself. But then there's these things called subatomic particles that are even smaller than an atom. So what they did is they would look at these little tiny particles and they found out that sometimes they would exist and sometimes they didn't exist. They're called a particle, and if they don't exist, they're called a wave, meaning that they are now vibrating at a frequency that is greater than visible light. Visible light is this physical world that you live in right now. Visible light is how many digits are in your bank account. It's what you look like. This is visible light. It's the bandwidth of frequency that your senses can perceive. Visible light is an infant testimony, small amount of reality. There is way more frequencies, um, and universal energy. Then this dimension, that's why there's no such thing as death. We're in a very small bandwidth of energy. So what they found out was that a subatomic particle that is ultimately the building blocks of money, the building blocks of cars, houses, everything, anything that you want, they found out that it could exist and not exist. So they called it the observer effect because the consciousness observing it, the scientist's consciousness would sometimes make it exist and sometimes make it not exist. Sometimes it would be visible in an invisible. Now sounds very wild, right, but this is the wacky world of quantum physics and this is really what the law of attraction is about. There's a lot of suits, surface and superficial things and the secret, the movie popularized a lot of them, but the actual uh, basis of the law of attraction is based in the observer effect, which is saying that what you experience in your reality is based off of your consciousness. In the Bible it said another way. It says to those that have more will be given. Think about that in terms of the observer effect and the scientists being able to perceive subatomic particles to those that have more will be given when they are in the consciousness of wanting to perceive the particles, see the particles, they exist to those that do not have even that which they have is taken away. When they go into it expecting not to see the subatomic particles, then they exist as a wave of frequency, bandwidth beyond visible light. So that's what the observer effect is based off. And it's the same thing that mystics have been telling us for since the beginning of time to those that have more will be given. So what this is saying is even if you haven't had things worked out for you the way that you want, maybe still haven't attracted your cellmate, the money hasn't come the job as income. Maybe you're looking around and you just lost your job with all this crazy stuff happening in the world. The past doesn't matter because the past is just a reflection off of what used to be. That's all it is. And in this moment right now, the good about the law of attraction is right now you can change your consciousness right now. You could start dwelling in abundance within your own consciousness. In fact, it's the only way to get it show up in your physical life. First, you have to possess it in consciousness. You have to see it. You have to feel it. You have to use your mental faculties to start feeling it and getting excited. Now when that happens, you start firing new nerve cells in your brain in neuroscience is called the hubs law and it says that nerve cells that fire together wire together, every time you have any emotion, you fire nerve cells in your brain.


How To Raise Your Frequency | Increase Your Vibration video.

How To Raise Your Frequency | Increase Your Vibration
How to raise your frequency and increase your vibration is easy when you use this Law of Attraction secret to remove your negative thinking. Robert Zink reveals 10 ways to raise your vibration and increase your frequency to manifest anything you desire. You can attract your goals and dream when you use these 10 ways to raise your frequency so that everything in your reality will change. When you know how to raise your vibration frequency you can shift reality. This is a key to reading your frequency that aligns your conscious and subconscious to remove negative thoughts. Robert shares Dr. Daniel Amen's Ants system for removing negative thoughts. #howtoraiseyourfrequency #increaseyouvibration #robertzink Dr. Daniel Amen - Ants System ANTs Webinar (Part 1) ANTs Webinar (Part 2) ANTs Webinar (Part 3) ANTs Webinar (Part 4) ANTs Webinar (Part 5) ------------------------------------------------------  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE SOULMATE EBOOK  ------------------------------------------------------  FREE $100 SHIRT CHALLENGE If we meet you on the street wearing a Soaring High shirt, you win $100.  ------------------------------------------------------ Follow us at


Wednesday, May 20, 2020

SET THE TONE! (The Most Important Part Of Your Day! LOA Tip video.

SET THE TONE! (The Most Important Part Of Your Day! LOA Tip
YouAreCreators.Tv is now on Patreon!!! Become a member to receive exclusive content: #youarecreators #lawofattraction #Justinperry #Manifestreality #ErickaPerry 📚Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here: ►222 Prosperity Affirmations: ►I Wish I Knew This 20 Years Ago: ►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets: ►The Mind Of Money: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The ONE Manifestation Technique For Attracting WHATEVER You Want - Law of Attraction video.

The ONE Manifestation Technique For Attracting WHATEVER You Want - Law of Attraction
The ONE Manifestation Technique For Attracting WHATEVER You Want Click Here For My Free Success Hypnosis ➡ Click Here to Demo the 2nd Mind For Free ➡ #Manifestation #ManifestationTechnique #LawofAttraction When people are trying to attract the things that they want to know. I think, okay, I want this thing. I want money, I want a relationship, I want this job, I want this life. And there's this thing out there that they want, right? And they think about it in terms of a linear time and space, kind of a to B to C to D. I'm at point a and what I want is at point D. So I go to go to B to C to D and they think of it like, okay, I want more money. I want my soulmate, I want this job. And what happens is they immediately get into a linear mindset where they try to figure everything out, how I'm going to get it, and then they get into this like grit mode. I need to accomplish it and here are my limitations. And they immediately push their consciousness into 1% of reality. Buckminster fuller said, you only see 1% of who you are, 99% of who you are. You cannot see smell, taste, touch. So we immediately put ourselves down into this third dimension and we go, how do I get this thing? And the ironic thing is that you're already one with everything in the universe because there's only one mind in the universe. There is one universal mind. There is one universal substance. You can call it energy consciousness. You can call it spirit, you can call it energy vibration. I want my soulmate, I want this job. And what happens is they immediately get into a linear mindset where they try to figure everything out, how I'm going to get it, and then they get into this like grit mode. I need to accomplish it and here are my limitations. And they immediately push their consciousness into 1% of reality. Buckminster fuller said, you only see 1% of who you are, 99% of who you are. You cannot see smell, taste, touch. So we immediately put ourselves down into this third dimension and we go, how do I get this thing? And the ironic thing is that you're already one with everything in the universe because there's only one mind in the universe. There is one universal mind. There is one universal substance. You can call it energy consciousness. You can call it spirit, you can call it energy vibration. You can call it God. Doesn't matter what you call it. Alan Watts says you cannot get wet by the word water. So there's one originating substance of which we're all a part of. It's in every single cell of my body. It's in every single cell of your body. And it's in every single subatomic particle that makes up everything that you want. Money, house, car, boyfriend, girlfriend, life. It's all of one originating substance. It's just different frequencies of consciousness. It's different frequencies of information. These light, all this reality is, is a bunch of light photons moving essentially at the speed of light and it's vibrating at such a dense level that our physical senses pick it up as solid. Um, but it's not solid. It's just a little fragment of a potential energy called visible light. And if we could see from a greater point, if we could see beyond just this limited veil of third dimension or this limited veil of space and time, this limited veil of visible light we would see is there's really no line of demarcation. There's really no stopping point between where I start and end and where you start then and where I start and end and where this chair starts in EDS, I'm just a field of information. I'm just a, I'm just a vibrational pattern and I'm just vibrating at a different frequency than this chair is. But it's all one originating substance at different frequencies. Just like there's only one thing called sound, but there's a bunch of different waves of the frequency on your radio station. 88.9 90.1 it's just a bunch of different frequencies, a bunch of different bandwidths or channels and that's what reality really is. There's a bunch of different frequencies within third dimension that we experience here. But if you could see from a higher vantage point, what you would see is you're actually one with not only everything that you want, not only with every body, but you're also one with the universe, with God, with spirit, with a consciousness.


Monday, May 18, 2020

Success LOA Stories! |YouAreCreators YouTube RADIO 🎙 video.

Success LOA Stories! |YouAreCreators YouTube RADIO 🎙
YouAreCreators.Tv is now on Patreon!!! Become a member to receive exclusive content: Share your Law Of Attraction success stories with us!


Sunday, May 17, 2020

Gratitude Sunday~ 05/17/2020

Gratitude check today!

"A common practice worth your effort daily lies in your empowerment of extracting amusement and appreciation from within while doing common things."

Embrace an attitude of gratitude to bring a sense of peace and the idea that you deserve the gifts and blessings you've been given. Empower yourself to make life mean so much more for you. Ask yourself... What if I make gratitude a perpetual daily feeling for more than just the big things, memorable interactions, and eventful moments?

Despite your circumstances, you can improve every single area of your life. There is evidence to suggest that being grateful, you can actually bring more things into your life to be grateful for. The universe pays attention whenever you express the feeling of gratitude, as it responds by providing you with more worth being grateful for. That is how awesome the magic of gratitude can be! So, what are you grateful for?

CHEERS~ to your great life, great day, and success continuing...

#gratitude #selfawareness #thankful #blessed #quote

* This article was originally published here

Hidden MIND POWER and How to Use It! Neville Goddard (Law of Attraction The Secret) MUST SEE! video.

Hidden MIND POWER and How to Use It! Neville Goddard (Law of Attraction The Secret) MUST SEE!
Learn how to use the hidden powers of your mind to manifest a life you love! ✅FREE Online Masterclass AND Meditation MP3 Download ➡️"How To Train Your Brain for EFFORTLESS Manifestation!" ✅Take My Law of Attraction Quiz With A Free Report! ➡ We are powerful creators, but sometimes forget just how powerful we are. In this video are tips from Neville Goddard that you can use to “create your reality” intentionally. Once you understand how to tap into the power of your mind, you can use the law of attraction to attract and manifest the reality of your choosing. In the words of Neville, a great pioneer in the field of using our imagination for manifesting, “Assume that you are and see the world as you would see it were it true. Accept it. Believe in the reality of that unseen imaginal act. And if you do, it will come to pass.” #LawofAttraction #PoweroftheMind #TheSecret ✅My videos are moving! ➡ Click here to find out more: ✅ CATCH UP ON ALL OF MY VIDEOS & TECHNIQUES HERE ➡ ✅ Help me caption and translate this video! ➡ ✅If you'd like to fan fund the Your Youniverse Channel click here ➡ ✅ My book: 50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power ➡ *Video Production/Content Copyrighted by Your Youniverse Channel ✅Subscribe to my channel for more videos on the law of attraction and the secret to mastering your mind. ➡ My websites and social media links: 🌸 (Exclusive Members Site) 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 More Your Youniverse law of attraction and mind secret videos: 3 Ways to ACCELERATE Your Ascension Process & Spiritual Awakening! (Raise Your Vibration) Spiritual Awakening Guided Meditation | Raise Your Consciousness & Activate Your Higher Self How to Embrace CHANGE & Expand in Uncertain Times! Global Meditation for Healing and Awakening! (Free MP3 Download) Change Your THOUGHTS to Change Your LIFE! (Power of the MIND!) Law of Attraction Workshop Excerpt Hidden Teachings of the Bible 2 – More Secret Knowledge Revealed! (Powerful Info on Manifestation!) Open Third Eye Chakra Guided Meditation (SPECIAL RELEASE Meditation!) Activate Your Pineal Gland How to INSTANTLY Open Your Third Eye and ACTIVATE Your Pineal Gland! (Powerful Technique!) Law of Attraction Workshop: Is Your Energy in ALIGNMENT with Your Manifestation? Law Of Attraction | the secret | hidden | mind | power | key | success | life | coach | coaching | training | inspiration | motivation | coaching (industry) | motivational | positive | inspirational | new | 2019 | attract | create | manifest | how to manifest what you want | how to attract what you want | learn this | Your Youniverse Channel | The Amazing Power of Your Mind | Hidden MIND POWER and How to Use It! (Law Of Attraction The Secret) MUST SEE! | Mind Power


2020 Agenda Causes MASSIVE Spiritual Awakening - The Great Awakening Has Begun.... video.

2020 Agenda Causes MASSIVE Spiritual Awakening - The Great Awakening Has Begun....
2020 Agenda Causes MASSIVE Spiritual Awakening - The Great Awakening Has Begun.... Click Here For My Free Success Hypnosis ➡ Click Here to Demo the 2nd Mind For Free ➡ #TheGreatAwakening #SpiritualAwakening #Awakening The great awakening is upon us and has officially begun. And in this video I wanna share with you three shocking signs that the great awakening has begun and what you can expect from it moving forward. So the first shocking sign, and really the start of this whole great awakening is really a distrust for government and systems that starting to brew. People are starting to get skeptical. They're starting to get skeptical about the economy, official narratives. The government is telling people. Now, the result of this, and we started to see this in the 70s is that in essence there is kind of a counterculture movement. Now in the 70s the counterculture movement was really kind of more spawn by drug psychedelics, things like that. This is something that is going to be totally different in that this distrust for government in this questioning of media narratives. The result of it is it breeds community. One of the problems that we've had in our world is we're more divided than ever. And we have gotten to this place where there's such a big separation and that's all starting to fall because when you start to get into this place for, there's a higher level of distrust and questioning of official narratives. What happens is you start to breed community when people are quarantined, when people are locked down, what else happens? You start to build community. Well, what happens when you're locked down and there's all these things happening in the world and you realize a lot of your problems aren't as major as you thought? Well, it breeds compassion. We start to get closer to one another and then we go, okay, well if I'm starting to question all these narratives and I'm starting to question things in the world, is there more to life? The result of it is it breeds community. One of the problems that we've had in our world is we're more divided than ever. And we have gotten to this place where there's such a big separation and that's all starting to fall because when you start to get into this place for, there's a higher level of distrust and questioning of official narratives. What happens is you start to breed community when people are quarantined, when people are locked down, what else happens? You start to build community. Well, what happens when you're locked down and there's all these things happening in the world and you realize a lot of your problems aren't as major as you thought? Well, it breeds compassion. We start to get closer to one another and then we go, okay, well if I'm starting to question all these narratives and I'm starting to question things in the world, is there more to life? And this is the big kicker of the great awakening is a spiritual awakening that there's more to life. The way the elites control society is by keeping us in a little mental box called the rat race and that rat race is, I'm separate from you. I need to worry about myself. I need to wake up, go through the same routine. Is yesterday. Knock this out, knock this out. It's a survival mode where we're never really in a level of consciousness where we're thinking about who we are and what life could really be about, and the shocking sign that this paradigm is starting to collapse is right before our eyes only. This isn't another reread of the 70s this is a shift when people are starting to realize that we're all one and they're starting to look within themselves and find out that they're much more than a little body. In fact, 99% of who you are, you can't even see. The second shocking sign of this great awakening is a fear of death. Now, death is a taboo subject that we do not speak about. It's something that nobody wants to talk about. Well, what happens when you have a global lockdown year? Every day? The news is televising new desk. People are dying, people are sick, all these types of things, and you can't move on with a regular life. So you have a lot of time to reflect and a lot of people are afraid. You're confronted with your own quote unquote mortality and you're confronted with the fear of death only. What's going to happen right now is that there is this great spiritual awakening and people realize there actually is no such thing as death. So the biggest thing, I think it's, it's the most important sign is when people's reptilian brains are activated and these reptilian brains are controlled by fear and we start getting all afraid. 2020 Agenda Causes MASSIVE Spiritual Awakening - The Great Awakening Has Begun....


Friday, May 15, 2020

Success Affirmations & Visuals (WATCH THIS EVERY DAY!) video.

Success Affirmations & Visuals (WATCH THIS EVERY DAY!)
Success affirmations for attracting wealth and becoming successful. Combined with chilled Lo-Fi hip-hop music so you can vibe & visualize the success you want to attract in your life. 🎧 SLEEP HEADPHONES FOR AFFIRMATIONS: 👉 🧠 PROGRAM YOUR MIND WITH SELF-HYPNOSIS: 👉 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL TO STAY INSPIRED & EMPOWERED 🎵 Prod. By T2 👉 📓 WYZE PLANNER (Goal Setting Journal) 👉 🎨 Motivational Wall Art 👉 💰 Manifest Money with the Law of Attraction 👉 🎧 Get Your FREE Motivational Mixtape "SUCCESS VIBES" 👉 👕 Get Your VYBO Merch 👉 📚 FREE Audible Trial + FREE Audiobook 👉 📱CONNECT WITH US : Instagram 👉 Spotify 👉 Soundcloud 👉 Facebook 👉 Twitter 👉 ================================================ 🎥 FOOTAGE licensed through VideoBlocks and all creative commons footage is listed below and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0. - - - - - ► Fair Use: Any third-party content used complies with fair use and is transformative in nature with added meaning and commentary for educational purposes. However, if you would like your clips removed, please contact us at:


Stop Chasing Love and Relationship | DO THIS NOW! video.

Stop Chasing Love and Relationship | DO THIS NOW!
You must stop chasing love and relationship. Do this now to attract the love of your life. Robert Zink reveals the way to stop chasing love. Love will come to you easily and effortlessly when you use the secrets of the Law of Attraction to manifest love. You can create an energy vibration where your love will never stop chasing you. You will be a whole new level of love energy that will make your lover chase you. You can even manifest a call or text from your ex. This will be a sign that your lover will chase you. #stopchasinglove #loveandrelationship #robertzink ------------------------------------------------------  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE SOULMATE EBOOK  ------------------------------------------------------  FREE $100 SHIRT CHALLENGE If we meet you on the street wearing a Soaring High shirt, you win $100.  ------------------------------------------------------ Follow us at


Thursday, May 14, 2020


YouAreCreators.Tv is now on Patreon!!! Become a member to receive exclusive content: #youarecreators #lawofattraction #Justinperry #Manifestreality #ErickaPerry 📚Purchase YouAreCreators best selling books here: ►222 Prosperity Affirmations: ►I Wish I Knew This 20 Years Ago: ►The Little Book Of Successful Secrets: ►The Mind Of Money: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the "Law Of Attraction", or the law of "Reaping and Sowing". This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to us. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others have testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret...


Manifest A Specific Person | 100% Success Love video.

Manifest A Specific Person | 100% Success Love
It is possible to manifest a specific person with 100% success. Learning how to manifest a specific person with the Law of Attraction is easy. If you are in love or have a crush these secrets will help you manifest a specific person effortlessly. When you get a specific person in your life that you desire to build a relationship with you must use the secrets in this video to draw them to a happy committed relationship. This is how to attract love for a lifetime of happiness. #MANIFESTASPECIFICPERSON #specificperson #robertzink ------------------------------------------------------ DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE SOULMATE EBOOK ------------------------------------------------------ FREE $100 SHIRT CHALLENGE If we meet you on the street wearing a Soaring High shirt, you win $100. ------------------------------------------------------ Follow us at


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How To Improve Your Life In 24 Hours (MUST WATCH!) video.

How To Improve Your Life In 24 Hours (MUST WATCH!)
Learn how you can completely change your life in the next 24 hours! 📚 BOOKS BY THE SPEAKER: 👉 7 Laws You Must Honor To Have Uncommon Success - 👉 The 3 Most Important Things In Your Life - 🗣️ Speech by Dr. Mike Murdock 👉 🎵 Music by Beats By Con 👉 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL TO STAY INSPIRED & EMPOWERED 📓 WYZE PLANNER (Goal Setting Journal) 👉 🎨 Motivational Wall Art 👉 💰 Manifest Money with the Law of Attraction 👉 🎧 Get Your FREE Motivational Mixtape "SUCCESS VIBES" 👉 👕 Get Your VYBO Merch 👉 📚 FREE Audible Trial + FREE Audiobook 👉 📱CONNECT WITH US : Instagram 👉 Spotify 👉 Soundcloud 👉 Facebook 👉 Twitter 👉 ================================================ 🎥 FOOTAGE licensed through VideoBlocks and all creative commons footage is listed below and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0. - - - - - - - - ► Fair Use: Any third-party content used complies with fair use and is transformative in nature with added meaning and commentary for educational purposes. However, if you would like your clips removed, please contact us at:


Monday, May 11, 2020

Hempworx Distributor

Hempworx Distributor

Now is a great time to become a Hempworx Distributor. People across the country are excited about CBD and turning out in bigger numbers than ever imagined. Hempworx Distributors are targeting the cities and offering free samples of Hempworx CBD Oil in advance of the event and it is working very well. I just had a team call where we discussed how to use craigslist to fill the room.

More Resources:
Network Marketing

Uforia Distributor

* This article was originally published here

Healthful Monday~ 05/11/2020

"You deserve better moments of today for an appreciative yesterday as you create your ideal tomorrow! You deserve to enjoy every day that much more with those you love!"

Today's Healthful-Amusement share worth reviewing and considering to amuse your thoughts with, as you'll surely achieve and accomplish more with a healthier better version of yourself. Make a positive difference in your life! You deserve greater bliss and fulfillment~ so, self-improve your overall well-being toward positively affecting those you love as well. Self-care toward supporting a healthier mind and body in support of achieving and accomplishing further in your successes!

Check out this bit of information provided to better self-care for healthier decisions and healthier choices for a healthier lifestyle not just for yourself, but to positively affect those you care about. Invest in your education by increasing your knowledge regarding your health. Learn more about what energizes you as you continue moving forward! This is just some info to assist you towards the better.

CHEERS~ to your bliss everywhere in between your lessons and wins...


#healthful #healthychoices #healthtip #nutritional #infographic

* This article was originally published here

Michael Jordan - Champion Mentality 🏆🎵 SUCCESS VIBES (Motivational Music) video.

Michael Jordan - Champion Mentality 🏆🎵 SUCCESS VIBES (Motivational Music)
Motivational music featuring the greatest of all time, Michael Jordan. 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL TO STAY INSPIRED & EMPOWERED 📓 WYZE PLANNER (Goal Setting Journal) 👉 🎨 Motivational Wall Art 👉 💰 Manifest Money with the Law of Attraction 👉 🎧 Get Your FREE Motivational Mixtape "SUCCESS VIBES" 👉 👕 Get Your VYBO Merch 👉 📚 FREE Audible Trial + FREE Audiobook 👉 📱CONNECT WITH US : Instagram 👉 Spotify 👉 Soundcloud 👉 Facebook 👉 Twitter 👉 ================================================ 🎥 FOOTAGE licensed through VideoBlocks and all creative commons footage is listed below and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0. ► Fair Use: Any third-party content used complies with fair use and is transformative in nature with added meaning and commentary for educational purposes. However, if you would like your clips removed, please contact us at:


Friday, May 8, 2020

Gratitude Meditation to Shift Reality | Become An Instant Miracle Magnet video.

Gratitude Meditation to Shift Reality | Become An Instant Miracle Magnet
Use this gratitude meditation to shift reality and become an instant miracle magnet. You can use this gratitude meditation before sleep or as a morning gratitude meditation. Your level of gratitude for life and the world around you will shift reality. You will be a miracle magnet for your goals and dreams. The amazing voice of Robert Zink in this guided gratitude meditation will take you deep within your subconscious mind to shift your reality. Gratitude affirmations before sleep can even transform your morning. This allows the affirmation meditation to shift your energy field as you sleep. You will attract easily and feel like you are a miracle magnet of manifestation. Don’t miss this powerful meditation of gratitude affirmations to transform yourself. Use this gratitude affirmation mediation for 28 days in a row for the deepest reality shift. #gratitudemediation #miraclemagnet #robertzink ------------------------------------------------------ DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE SOULMATE EBOOK ------------------------------------------------------ FREE $100 SHIRT CHALLENGE If we meet you on the street wearing a Soaring High shirt, you win $100. ------------------------------------------------------ Follow us at


Thursday, May 7, 2020

Using Positive Manifestations For a Post-Coronavirus Future — OK Whatever - OK Whatever - WTF

Using Positive Manifestations For a Post-Coronavirus Future — OK Whatever  OK Whatever - WTF

* This article was originally published here

Apr 28 | Law of Attraction Meet-up | Sandy Springs, GA Patch -

Apr 28 | Law of Attraction Meet-up | Sandy Springs, GA Patch

* This article was originally published here


WARNING: THE GREAT AWAKENING HAS BEGUN - THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLY #TheGreatAwakening #Awakening #GreatAwakening So I've been talking a lot about this wakening that's occurring right now in human consciousness. A lot of it's due to this lockdown and all these things having happening right now in the world and it's waking people up and I made a lot of videos about this great awakening and then I seen some criticism and some negative comments and so I wanted to address them in this video. So this video is the good, the bad, and the ugly of the great awakening and everything that's going on right now behind the scenes in the world. Okay. First let's get into the good. And the good news is people are waking up, people are starting to question, is this real or is this just a ride? People are starting to ask themselves, what's life really about? Is life about something more than this? People are being faced with the fear of death. People are afraid of, of of all these types of sick things happening in the world and, and, and all that. So it's making people just start thinking about their life and like the fear of death and is there more to life and it's making people ask maybe the question that I've been asking myself a lot, which is if this was my last year on earth and would I have actuators, my own potential, yes or no? Yes or no? If this was your last year on earth, maybe even your last week on earth, could you say yes or no to the question? Have you actuate it? Have you realize your own potential? Recently I interviewed a guy, Patrick bet David, the creator of the value tainment YouTube channel and he said, you know what? My biggest fear is that I don't actually, I don't actually realize, I don't actuate, I don't touch the trueness, the fullness of the potential that Patrick bet David has, and that's the same fear. Whatever your name is, ask yourself, have I actually did the potential of me? And these are the good things that are starting to happen. People are starting to wake up, people are locked in their house. And so they're spending all this time on the internet and people are starting to wake up. People are starting to wake up to health. People are starting waking up to the, the media and the control mechanisms and the things that we're programmed to in our society. And it's, it's making people wake up. It's helping to create a new earth, a better world. And what I mean by that is, before this all happened, about 78% of people said to the Gallup pools that they're actively disengaged from their jobs here in America, which is a politically correct way to say it's a nice, it's a watered down way to say a bunch of people hate what they do. And that's starting to shift. You know, they say that the number one cause of illness, stress related depression, stress related, uh, unhappiness, stress-related. So what's happening is we've got so much stress in our lives and a lot of it comes from the unconscious pressure of trying to be somebody we're not trying to fit in instead of following our dreams. Because we've been talked out of mergers and we've been told we aren't good enough, smart enough, all this crap. We'd been told that, Oh, you can't make money that way when you have a dream, an idea, you have a, you have a create, you have a creativity within you, you have a vision for your life and we're told, Oh, you can't make money that way. So we're talked out of our own greatness from early on in our life and then this manifests itself years down the road. The, the compounding effect of that is a lot of people feel like almost deeply unfulfilled and the can't put a finger quite on it and they're so busy in the rat race, they don't have time to reflect on any of it anyways, but now all of a sudden people are starting to reflect on it. Okay, so what happens when everybody realizes they have nothing to lose? Like 30 million people lost their job in America just in the month of April. A lot of people are realizing they have nothing to lose. There's nothing to lose anymore. It's time to go for your dreams. It's time to say, I only have one life to live, at least in this little physical body, I am more than a body. You are more than a body and there is no such thing as really debt, but you have one goal around here in this life and you don't know how long it's going to last and you're not going to allow fear to control you anymore because you're recognizing the fear of failure is silly. The fear of being told no, the fear of being rejected, the fear of it not working out the way that you want, all that stuff silly. The only fear that there should really be, and we really shouldn't have any fear at all anyways, but the only real fear should be the fear of not actuating your own potential. WARNING: THE GREAT AWAKENING HAS BEGUN - THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLY