Sunday, February 16, 2020

Visualizing Not Working? THIS WILL FIX IT! (law of attraction) video.

Visualizing Not Working? THIS WILL FIX IT! (law of attraction)
Visualizing Not Working? THIS WILL FIX IT! (law of attraction) ✅ Manifest Faster With a FREE Demo Of The 2nd Mind ➡ ✅ Free Success Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Subconscious ➡ #Visualization #Visualizing #Lawofattraction In this video we discuss visualization and what to do if visualizing is not working? A lot of the times people ask me questions about the law of attraction, and they want to know about visualizing. They will say things like visualization is not working, or they want to know how to visualize. The best way to think about the law of attraction and visualization is that it is just mental rehearsal. Dr. Joe Dispenza, one of the best law of attraction teachers, says that all you are really doing is practicing mental rehearsal to visualize a future so many times that it eventually feels real to your brain. When this happens, your subconscious takes over and you start to bring those types of circumstances into your life. A lot of people call that manifestation. It simply is how the law of attraction works. Visualization can be best summed up as: "whatever you can see in your mind, you will soon hold in your hand." But if it's so simple why visualization not working? The reason visualization is not working for most people is that they are actually not "feeling" what they want. It is really more of a daydream to them. They are imagining something they can't really achieve, and hoping by the grace of luck it will come into their life. This sends the message to your subconscious mind that you are full of doubt, and that this thing you want is a mere daydream. Through the practice of visualization, you can start to make the law of attraction work by actually "feeling" what you want, as if you already have it. The reason is that because when you visualize already having what you want, and feel the emotions of it, you convince your subconscious that it is real. The thing about the law of attraction is that the subconscious does not know the difference between what is real and what is not real. Whatever the most consistent emotions are, they will be programmed into the subconscious and you will attract back to your things that match it. This is how the law of attraction and visualizing truly work. I hope you enjoy this video! Visualizing Not Working? THIS WILL FIX IT! (law of attraction)


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