Saturday, August 22, 2020

Exactly How To Become A Manifesting BEAST!!! - Law of Attraction video.

Exactly How To Become A Manifesting BEAST!!! - Law of Attraction
Click Here For My FREE Success Hypnosis ➡ And Click Here to Demo the 2nd Mind For FREE ➡ #ManifestingBeast #LawOfAttraction #SpiritualAwakening Exactly How To Become A Manifesting BEAST!!! - Law of Attraction It's very simple to become a manifesting beast. And if you can really do these very simple and easy to implement steps, just three quick and easy ones, you can become a manifesting beast. And what I mean by that is you can literally imagine things hold the pictures of them in your mind, and then hold them in your hand and have them in your life. You can bring the money you want into your life. You can think about somebody. You can think about something and shows up in your life because whatever you can hold in your mind, you can hold in your hand and having your life. But there's just a very simple three step process to follow. And that's what we're going to be talking about in this video. Number one, write it down and read it daily. It is amazing how many people don't do this. They're so, so, so much amazing magic that happens when you write something down and read it daily. There's like a magical esoteric component. And then there's just the practical neuroscience aspect of it. That what you're doing. If you're reading the same statement over and over in the present tense, I've been doing it since I was 20. I tape what I want onto her refrigerator. And I read it out loud. I tape what I want on the door to my bedroom. I read it out loud every morning. And every night I carry index cards with me everywhere. And when I'm on walks, I read it out loud to myself over and over. What I'm doing is I understand how the brain works. The brain does something called hubs law. It says that nerve cells, that fire together wire together. So what I'm doing is I'm activating the same brain cells, the same synaptic connections over and over and over again. And I'm starting to develop a pattern of the way that my brain cells wired together. I'm basically what I'm doing is I'm, hard-wearing my brain for something that I want so that my brain produces it automatically. And this is amazing. I mean, it's changed my life. It gave me everything that I wanted in life. And so very simply all you need to do is write what you want in the present tense. Start it with. I am so happy and grateful and then write it out and read it. Every single solitary day. Step number two is to suspend your disbelief. If you are such a skeptic that you think what we're saying is ridiculous perception creates reality. All you need to do is suspend your disbelief for a little while. You could have it back later. What if the beliefs that you thought were true about reality? Weren't true. And you were just programmed by society. What if all of the limitations that you thought you had were simply illusions? What if you could make five times more money than you ever thought you could? What, if you could write down your biggest dreams and goals on a piece of paper and then go out there and make them a reality. What if you could attract the most amazing romantic relationship ever? What if you could start visualizing things and they would show up in your life. What if you found out that the power of thought was so powerful, so miraculous that it gave you the key to have everything that you wanted in life. People don't even think about the fact that that's true. And so they're carrying around their disbelief for so long with them that they're never able to reprogram their subconscious mind because the subconscious is really the operating system of your life. The most powerful supercomputer in the world is your mind is your brain. That's controlled by your subconscious psychologists say 95% of our life is subconscious. So if you can consciously start to suspend your disbelief and welcome in miracles, what you're going to do is you're going to find out that a lot of those beliefs that you thought you had about reality, simply weren't true. That money is easier to make. You're more worthy of what you want. Then you can imagine true love exists. The perfect people come to you with the perfect time. Spirit always manifests itself perfectly in your life. But to find out these miracles, you just have to suspend your disbelief just the same way. When you watch a movie and you suspend your disbelief so that you can get emotionally involved in the movie. Well, let's just do the same thing right now. And then watch what happens when your subconscious starts getting reprogrammed. You are going to have the best next month ever. Exactly How To Become A Manifesting BEAST!!! - Law of Attraction


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