Saturday, January 29, 2022

It's about damn time!! video.

It's about damn time!!
✅ FREE SUCCESS HYPNOSIS - click here to download my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind ➡ In this video, I break down what you're really capable of achieving in life, what's stopping you from manifesting what you want, and how to change it. For me, it was quite simple: I realized that it was 'about damn time.' It's about damn time you realize your self worth. it's about damn time you set some big goals and really go after them. it's about damn time you put the law of attraction to the test. it's about damn time you say 'no' to all the negative choices. it's about damn time you pat yourself on the back and be courageous. it's about damn time your realize that nobody is stopping you, except for yourself. it's about damn time you believe in yourself. I firmly believe that although we're living in weird times, none of it has to stop you from getting what you want in your life. As times get weirder, and things get more difficult, people tend to justify outside circumstances as excuses for what they do not have what they want in life. My mentor calls this 'rationalization - which is really rationing lies to yourself.' if you break down the world rationalize - it's 'ration-lies.' what happens is that we start to live from outcome instead of process. we are afraid of hard things. we are afraid of pain. we are afraid of being uncomfortable. and in that very process, we give up the ability to control our destiny, and we trade discomfort for pleasure, safety, and convenience. when we do this, we slowly shrink ourselves into our own limitations, and we spend our lives adapting to the circumstances life throws at us, instead of creating what we really want. #lawofattraction #manifestation #spiritualawakening ✅ FREE SUCCESS HYPNOSIS - click here to download my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind ➡


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