Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Hidden Teachings of Jesus (NOT WHAT YOU THINK!) video.

The Hidden Teachings of Jesus (NOT WHAT YOU THINK!)
Hidden teachings of Jesus Christ are some of the most powerful manifestation techniques for the law of attraction. Download my free success hypnosis @ In today’s video I break down some of the most powerful teachings from Jesus Christ. The reason these are hidden Bible teachings is because we hear them on the surface but we do not really understand the depth of these teachings. There are many hidden Bible teachings, and many hidden Teachings of Jesus Christ. The essence of all of these hidden Bible teachings, is about the power of consciousness. The power of consciousness has been well known for centuries, and these teachings date all the way back to Jesus Christ. Jesus said “To those that have more is given, and to those that don’t have even that which they have is taken away.” To me, these are hidden Bible teachings because we quite simply do not understand what Jesus Christ is saying. What Jesus is referring to is the power of consciousness. When you possess something within the power of your own mind and perception, you will have it in your physical reality. Whereas if you are focused on the absence Of what you want, you were actually praying for more of what you do not want. When I was younger, I always thought that teaching meant that if you were wealthy you got more stuff, and if you were poor God did not love you. Clearly, I did not understand the message of the teachings. It was not until I started studying spirituality and the power of human consciousness, that I referred back to some of the hidden teachings of Jesus Christ, and they started to make sense. The Bible says that the kingdom of heaven is within. When you seek first the kingdom of heaven within then all things will be revealed onto you. What this means is when you understand the truth of reality, and you understand that God is in everything that you want, and you seek first your own spiritual identity, and your own oneness with God, then, and only then, you will see you’re outside world reflect that back to you. In the simplest terms, the outside world is just a mirror that reflects back to you your own consciousness. So when Jesus says that to those that have more is given, he is referring to if you already possess what you want in consciousness. When you already are abundance, you see it materialize in your life. When you already are thankful for prosperity, you’ll see it materialize in your life. When you already since divine love within yourself, you will see it materialize in your life as a soulmate or romantic relationship. The power of Jesus Christ and these hidden Bible teachings are life-changing when you disregard what main stream churches and religions have Taught. There is much more Depth to them then what we have been told on the surface. This is not to say that you should not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. If anything, I am saying the opposite. The teachings of Jesus Christ are very powerful but if you interpret them through a mainstream religious lens, you can often miss the spiritual dimension of them and they become dogma as opposed to a spiritual technique that can help you improve the power of your own consciousness, practice your own spirituality, and help you awaken to your true self. #hiddenteachingsofjesus #jesuschrist #bibleteaching Download my free success hypnosis @


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