Saturday, June 20, 2020

they lied about making money. it's not what you think... video.

they lied about making money. it's not what you think...
they lied about making money. it's not what you think. So today we talk about money, how to attract money into your life, and the keys about how to make money in 2020. I hope you enjoy... So there's a lot going on in the world right now. And I know there's a lot of people that have lost their jobs and maybe you're just wanting more money in and of itself. So I think in these turbulent times, it's important to understand how to attract financial abundance into our lives for ourselves, for our friends, for our family, to donate, do cool things with the money. So in this video, how to attract financial abundance into your life right now, let's dive right into this video In order to attract financial abundance into your life. You actually have to believe that you're worthy of having. It sounds stupid. It sounds simple. It sounds easy. It's the hardest part. Anybody can show up and log eight hours or six hours or 12 hours and work out something, but it takes a whole nother depth of work to work harder on yourself than you do on your job and to discover your own feelings of not good enough, not worthy enough, not smart enough because this thing happened to me because I did this thing. I'm not worthy of financial abundance. And really when you're saying you're not worthy of financial abundance, it's not money for the sake of money. Cause what good is it just a bunch of money sitting around and there's no utility or used to it whatsoever. It's the things that you can buy with it. It's the things that you want most out of life. If money was no object. So if money was no object, what would you have do and be in your life? Well, we live in a dimension where like it or not, you can fight all you want about it, but we use something called money. Really it's called currency. It's issued by the government, but for this instance, we'll call it money. So you are really, you want money for the things that you can do with it. So if you don't believe you're worthy of or smart enough to be the person that has millions of dollars to donate, if you don't believe that you are good enough or worthy enough or whole and complete enough to fly first class, if you don't believe that you are smart or capable enough to ever have enough money to buy your dream property, if you don't view yourself as a capable person, then it's going to feel kind of weird to then turn around and be driving in your dream car. When you don't believe that you're worthy of driving a nice car. Cause you think you're kind of stupid or whatever it is. So let's get that out of the way, right off the bat. So first of all, you have to believe that you're worthy of it. The second phase of that is you need to understand that nobody is losing by you getting something. Cause that's like the that's the core of it. It's like, well, if there's so many people that don't have a lot of money than I shouldn't have a lot of money, they could just have some of mine. Well, quite literally, there's an infinite amount of money. Currency printed every single day. Uh, they're printing so much money that it's actually losing its value, but that's not the point of this conversation. The point of this conversation is that money is quite literally printed by the millions. So the idea that you aren't worthy of having it doesn't make any sense. And the idea that by you getting it, you're taking away from somebody else doesn't make any sense either. How are you going to help poor people by being poor? How are you going to help people that don't have education by you not having any money to improve education? How are you going to help inequality? How are you going to help? Anything that you care about? If you don't have any resources? Cause that's really all money is money is resources. Money is energy and money is time. And if you don't believe you're worthy of having the resources that you want, the time you want and the freedom that that you want, then you're not going to have the money to buy and supply that level of resources, time and freedom that you want. And then it just becomes this never ending cat chasing its own tail where you're like, Oh, I need more money to pay my rent. Why am I not making it? I watched this video in the law of attraction and Jake Doocy and stupid guy made this video and it's still not working for me. And I'm working hard. I'm showing up, I'm working eight hours a day. And what look at him is this. And he's not working as much as I am. And because we're stuck thinking that tracking a lot of abundance has to do with what you do on the physical plane.


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