Thursday, February 7, 2019

Law of Attraction: PRESS HERE 30 Seconds to Manifest What You Want FAST (Warning! Instant Results!!) New video by Jake Ducey

Law of Attraction: PRESS HERE 30 Seconds to Manifest What You Want FAST (Warning! Instant Results!!)
Law of Attraction: PRESS HERE to Manifest What You Want FAST (Warning!! Instant Results!!) FREE financial success hypnosis recording download DEMO the 2nd mind Neuroprogrammer for FREE @ In this law of attraction video you will learn how to manifest what you want and how to manifest what you want fast -- all you have to do is Press Here for 30 Seconds to see what all the fuss is about... Transcript... Press right here to unleash a secret manifestation technique. Go ahead, press right here. No seriously. Press right here. Feels hard, doesn't it? Feels like it's solid. Guess what it's not. Science tells us that an Atom.. A, t, O, m.. an ATOM, the physical building blocks of our universe are actually between 95 and 99 percent empty space. So you press right here and you're sure due to the the, the brain cells you're activating due to the programming that you have due to the, to the sensory experience that you're getting. You are certain that this solid, but it's not solid matter.. What is this made out of? A bunch of atoms. Atom is 95 to 99 percent empty space. You mean to tell me that? Everything. My thumb, a hundred dollar bill, the money you want the car, do you want the job you want? It is all between 95 and 99 percent empty space. The physical things that you want are not physical at all. If they're 95 to 99 percent empty space, and what could they possibly be? Nonphysical intelligence, nonphysical intelligence that you can rearrange and change based off of your thought energy, thought energy's you harnessing spirit energies. You harnessing God is you harnessing the creative power of the universe in order to impress upon the reality that you want. So this number, 95 to 99 percent empty space. The money you want the car you want, the job you want, it's not physical, but what most people do is they based what's possible based off of what they believe in the physical reality. Well, I've never had very much money. Well my last relationship having worked out there are looking for evidence in the physical reality to define what's possible for them. When 95 to 99 percent of it is empty space. So press right here, press right here. What is giving you the sensory experience? Divine intelligence, nonphysical intelligence, and what are you? You're an individualization of that nonphysical intelligence. And you harness it with your mental faculties, you harness it with imagination, you harness it with will you harness it in your own mind. That's what thought energy is. That's what activates brain cells. That's what allows thoughts to become things is you harnessing nonphysical thought energy and it will become a physical thing. Why? How can your thoughts make a physical thing? How can your thoughts, the images you hold, a prosperity change your bank account? How can the images you hold of your true love help you attract your soulmate? Because everything in this physical reality isn't even physical. It's all 99 percent empty space. It's all 99 percent nonphysical intelligence. So his thought, and when you match the thought frequency with what you want and you start affirming that great things are on the way already and you understand that you weren't limited by this physical reality because this reality isn't physical anyways. The physical reality is a manifestation of the nonphysical dimension is a manifestation of spirit energy. You're not limited by your past. You're not limited by the physical reality. You may think, well, you know, I don't have enough money. I'm not very good with numbers, my last relationship having worked out. No, none of those things matter. Take a moment, take a moment and start to think about what you want. What is it that you really want? See the creator of the universe endowed you with certain spiritual powers and those spiritual powers allow you to use your mental faculties to take that spirit energy, that consciousness, that God energy and make manifest the things that you want in physical reality. You have to know this, that you are worthy of everything that you want and that your thoughts truly become things and they can become things quickly. When you grasp that you are a powerful creator. Comment down below what I want comes now. Comment down below thoughts become things. Press right here and realize that this isn't physical. You're not bound to the limitations that you think you have. I'm too old. I'm too young. I don't have the right education. I'm in debt. My last relationships haven't worked out. I had too many roles in my stomach. I have this thing. None of that matters because your imagination, your perception is what will rearrange the physical world, so start imagining yourself as a powerful being. Start imagining yourself in the reality that you want. I had to imagine that I was inspiring millions of people with this channel while I was getting no subscribers and negative subscribers.


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