Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Secret to MANIFESTING MONEY FAST Using The Law of Attraction | Powerful Info! New video by Jake Ducey

The Secret to MANIFESTING MONEY FAST Using The Law of Attraction | Powerful Info!
100% Results ✅ MANIFEST MONEY FAST Using The Law of Attraction | The Secret *** DOWNLOAD MY FREE SUCCESS HYPNOSIS @ **** DEMO THE 2nd MIND NEUROPROGRAMMER FOR FREE @ In this video how to manifest money and how to manifest money fast and the law of attraction money.. you can manifest more money into your life and manifesting money using the law of attraction is not hard. But most people do know how to manifest money fast, and in this video we discuss the real keys to manifesting money. Transcript... A few years ago, my life changed forever. I went from not even being able to pay my groceries without anxiety. My wife, girlfriend at the time being in debt because I couldn't pay for anything, so she was taking on my responsibilities, but she couldn't afford them anyways. And my whole life changed when I came across a few principles for manifesting money that we're in a book and that book was called prosperity by Charles fillmore. And I want to share with you how it allowed me to manifest more money fast into my life, a lot quicker and faster than I ever thought possible. And this is the same thing that can happen for you when you apply these. Number one, you have to see it as God's will, that you have money. You have to see it as God's will, that you have money. God's will is not poverty and scarcity and lack and limitation for you. Let me repeat that. God's will is not poverty, scarcity, lack and limitation for you. It's not. I personally believe that many of the many of the institutions have indoctrinated us with an idea that money is the root of all evil and that we shouldn't want it as a way to actually control the population. That's my personal belief system. I don't know whether that's true or not, but what I do know for certain is that God's will is for you to be rich. God's will, his health, happiness and wealth. That's God's will for you. Most people believe the opposite, and if you're going from the framework that by God you can use any word you want. You can call it consciousness, the universe spirit, the creative force of the universe, creator. It doesn't matter. Alan Watts says, you can't get wet by the word water, but grasp this. It is God's will for you to be rich. Comment down below it is the universe's will or God if you like the word, doesn't matter what word you use. It is God's will. For me to be rich, comma that down below does it. It just almost. It's like it's almost like it feels weird the first time you hear it. I remember hearing that for the first time and being like, this is preposterous, but let me go on to share with you the reason that it's God's will for you to be rich is because one, everything is one originating substance. It's all God. Everything. God is in everything. The universe, Spirit, consciousness, energy. It's in everything. It's in every cell of your body. It's in every cell of your brain. It's an every cell in the fingertips. It's an everything. So your divine being and you're here in order to experience life, to learn certain spiritual lessons, to learn certain things, to experience life, the best way for you to experience life is in abundance, not in scarcity and limitation and not being able to. And so guess what? Your desire for money is really your desire to experience more of creation. That's all it is. And money is here existing really as a medium for you to experience more of God's creation like my mom I just showed you in the in the intro picture or a video of the view from my living room, me being able to afford the view and to live in this property. It makes me love the universe even more. Why? Because I get to see the ocean smell the ocean here in the middle of the night, I get to experience a beautiful property. It makes me just more grateful for life in money is the vehicle that allowed me that experience. So it is God's will for you to have the money that you desire, to travel, where you want to travel, to live, where you want to live, to donate where you want to donate, to have your kids go to the school they want to go to, for you to have what you want. It is God's will. You have to make that up in your mind. Most people are going from the assumption that money is the root of all evil. They're evil or bad. If they have a lot of money, money isn't very important. I'd rather be happy than have money. Heck, I'd rather have both, but this is the ideas most people are coming from. And if you're going from the that idea that the creative force of the universe doesn't even want you to have money. You're not going to be able to attract money because you're subconsciously program that somehow God doesn't want you to have these things. *** DOWNLOAD MY FREE SUCCESS HYPNOSIS @ **** DEMO THE 2nd MIND NEUROPROGRAMMER FOR FREE @


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