Friday, March 1, 2019

Jake Ducey Hypnosis - The SECRET of the Subconscious Mind That Leads to INSTANT MANIFESTATION! New video by Jake Ducey

Jake Ducey Hypnosis - The SECRET of the Subconscious Mind That Leads to INSTANT MANIFESTATION!
Jake Ducey Hypnosis - The SECRET of the Subconscious Mind That Leads to INSTANT MANIFESTATION! ➡ For My Free Success Hypnosis Mp3 ➡ ➡ For My Free 2nd Mind Neuroprogrammer Demo ➡ In this video we talk about Jake Ducey Hypnosis and The SECRET of the Subconscious Mind That Leads to INSTANT MANIFESTATION. You can use your subconscious mind to manifest what you want, but you must learn how to use hypnosis. Because your life is all subconscious. That's why I created the Jake Ducey Hypnosis, so that you can manifest what you want easier. #JakeDuceyHypnosis #Hypnosis #TheSubconsciousMind Transcript... Jake Ducey hypnosis. I happen to be Jake Ducey and I happen to use hypnosis order to grow this youtube channel by over 400,000 subscribers in 18 months and go from my wife being in debt because I couldn't afford anything to creating a million dollar international business all using what I'm about to share with you in regards to hypnosis. This is going to change your life. You, you may want more money, you may want more love. You may want more opportunities, whatever it is that you want. When you learn this about hypnosis, you can use it to brainwash yourself for the success that you want. So it shows up. I always say brainwash yourself before the world brainwashes you. The world's trying to brainwash you all the time for negativity, for, for limitation. But if you brainwash your own subconscious mind, then the results in your life that you desire start showing up. And the people that don't get it, they say, you're so lucky, but it's not luck. It's using hypnosis. 95% of your life according to psychologist is, is programmed and controlled and created through your subconscious. So what that means is 95% of the results in your life can come to you on autopilot. What would it be like to have prosperous opportunities come to you on autopilot? So I was 19 years old that dropped out of college. I was trying to get my career going. It wasn't working out. I wanted to be an author, speaker, do all these things. It wasn't working and year after year, things weren't really working out and I was beating my head against the wall, trying to figure out how do I make things work. And then I discovered and learned about the subconscious mind that controls 95% of your life and that consciously you may work hard, you may want more money. You know what? Your goals are consciously, you may be desiring relationships. You know what your goals are, but they're not working out. It's just not working. That's because the subconscious has been infiltrated with the negativity of the world, and that's what's blocking what you want. Because psychologists say 95% of your life is controlled by your subconscious. So consciously you say, I want more money, but subconsciously your program to block it by your parents, by your grandparents, buy our media. Buy your aunt or your uncle by a negative experience that happened to you when you were younger. By your foster parents, by some random adult figure. You may want love up here consciously, but subconsciously you're blocking it because you saw your parents get divorced, your friend's parents get divorced. 50% of people divorce end up in divorce and it's programmed into us. So when I learned this, I said, okay, now I get it. I'm not attracting what I want because I'm subconsciously blocking it subconsciously. I'm not programmed for it. And so what I did is I created a successive gnosis to literally rewire my mind for me. It sort of feeding me with new ideas and things started showing up in my life like amazingly. And you can it for free. It's right there, down below Jake's right there, down below Jake's right there, down below Jake's so go ahead, click that. You can download it and use it for free. And I want to share with you the most amazing results that started happening in my life. So what normally happens for most people is they know what they want, they're clear on it, but then they're not getting it. And then what happens is like for instance, they want more money but it's not happening. And then they open up their mobile banking and they see there's no money in it still or they're getting another, you know, Bill in the mail that's increasing their debt and then they start emotionally reacting to that Dang and they get stressed and they get frustrated. This isn't working and they, they're taking their eyes, their physical senses, and they're reading the outside information in the world and then they're sending a feedback to their brain that says, I'm broke. I can't attract more money. This isn't working out. I'm screwed. And then if further programs, the subconscious for that reality because the subconscious and know the difference between what's real and what's not real Jake Ducey Hypnosis - The SECRET of the Subconscious Mind That Leads to INSTANT MANIFESTATION!


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