Saturday, March 2, 2019

This Subconscious Mind Technique Can Change Your Life! (Law of Attraction) New video by Jake Ducey

This Subconscious Mind Technique Can Change Your Life! (Law of Attraction)
This Subconscious Mind Technique Can Change Your Life! (Your Mind Will Never Be The Same) ➡ For My Free Success Hypnosis Mp3 ➡ ➡ For My Free 2nd Mind Neuroprogrammer Demo ➡ #TheSubconscious Mind #SubconsciousMindTechnique #LawOfAttraction In this video we talk about This Subconscious Mind Technique Can Change Your Life You can reprogram your subconscious and attract what you want using the law of attraction - this subconscious mind technique can change your life. In this video we talk about... * This Subconscious Mind Technique Can Change Your Life * Subconscious Mind Techniques * The Subconscious Mind And The Law of Attraction * Rewire Your Mind * Law of Attraction Techniques * The Law of Attraction Transcript... The subconscious mind technique that will change your life if you want more money. If you've been trying to attract your soul mate, get a new job, a new opportunity. This subconscious mind technique will change your life and allow you to manifest what you want with very little effort by accessing the subconscious mind in a new and different way. So I called this the reversal technique. Now before I get into the reversal technique, I just want to share with you a bit about the subconscious mind. The word sub means below, so it's below conscious is what the word means. What is below conscious mean? Here's conscious. Hey, how are you? I am good. It's you consciously thinking about something and giving an answer. I want more money. I want more love. It's you consciously saying what it is that you want, but subconscious means below conscious. Essentially. It's your habitual mind that controls all of your actions and behaviors, thought patterns, and thus everything that you attract and create in your life. According to psychologists, 95% of our life is subconscious, is below conscious. 95% of your life is below conscious. This is why this technique that I'm about to share with you is so important because you need to learn it to reprogram your subconscious because psychologists tell us that our life was programmed when we were younger, so we inherited subconscious programming. You inherited subconscious programming from either your parents, your grandparents, your aunt, your uncle, the media teachers, adult figures, people you were around growing up and think about it. Generally we're inheriting negative beliefs and negative ideas about money, about confidence, about attracting love, happiness, and they're stopping you from attracting and getting what you want out of life. So the reversal technique is quite simply a way to hack your subconscious mind and insert new possibilities and new messages into it because consciously, at all times, you're sending messages to your subconscious. Now, the way the subconscious works is that it has no mind of its tone. It's receiving the impressions, the messages that you were sending to it, and it doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not real. Whatever ideas you plant in the subconscious take hold and become the results in your life and you say, well, why does it happen? Because subconscious, it's below conscious. It's an autopilot mind. Just like the GPS system that that knows how to get to that program destination. No matter what your subconscious is program to certain coordinates in life for whatever your, whatever money you're making, your subconscious has been programmed that way. Whatever your confidence or self image or your career or the people around you, it's been programmed into you by other people and what you're about to learn is how to reset that GPS system and set it to the points that you want. Set it to the money you want, the love you want, the happiness you want, the career you want, the success you want, anything that you want and when you learn how to do this reversal technique, then things start showing up in your life because if it's below conscious, what that means is if you program it correctly, the things that you want will come to you without conscious effort.


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