Saturday, May 18, 2019

Have You Ever Asked, "What Is BLOCKING The Law of Attraction?"" | THE SECRET No One Tells You!! New video by Jake Ducey

Have You Ever Asked, "What Is BLOCKING The Law of Attraction?"" | THE SECRET No One Tells You!!
Have You Ever Asked, "What Is BLOCKING The Law of Attraction?"" | THE SECRET No One Tells You!! *** DOWNLOAD MY FREE SUCCESS HYPNOSIS @ **** DEMO THE 2nd MIND NEUROPROGRAMMER FOR FREE @ Are you blocking the law of attraction and you do not know it yet? Most people are blocking the law of attraction and stopping themselves from using The Secret so that they can manifest what they want in life... Have you ever asked yourself, what is blocking the law of attraction? What is blocking me? What is stopping me from manifesting what I want? How can I speed up the process to attract the money, the job, the love, the adventure, whatever it is that I want. It's a beautiful day out here in the beautiful islands of why and I'm going to walk over to the little ocean right there. I'm hiding underneath my portrait now to block the sun and this video is going to change your life and this is something that just happened and it's really gonna open up the floodgates. Life is meant to flow. The Universe is conspiring on your behalf, but you're blocking it from happening and you don't know it yet. All right, it is a beautiful day today. I'm filmed outside in a really long time because we had storms for awhile, so I sat inside instead of filmed outside the lookout. Pretty. It is today. Thank you for watching this video and I was just talking to a good buddy. My good buddy started their own business and I just saw them. I was just talking to them and they just got like their first main client and they were so excited and I was like, hey, you're going to have 10 before you know it, and they say back, yeah, if I could just pay my rent, that'd be great. And I said, well, that'd be great. But also don't set it too low. Don't set the bar too low. You know, Michael Angelo had a beautiful quote and he said that essentially most people's problem isn't that the aim too high and don't reach it. It's that the aim too low and they do reach. Where you settle is where you'll be calmer than down below. Where you settle is where you'll be calming down below where you settled is where you'll be. Where you settle is where you beat. My whole life I settled because I didn't think I was that smart. I failed junior English class in high school. I dropped out of college and then I had this idea that I was going to write books and be published, but I had set such a low bar that I didn't even think it was possible. I was working my butt off working easily 12 hours a day. I had a work problem, had a sleep problem, cause I will work all the time trying to get my career off the drum ground. After I dropped out of college, I said drown, which was, you know, maybe that was a Freudian slip because it felt like I was drowning in my life. Nothing was working out. My girlfriend was in debt and because I couldn't pay for anything, then I stopped going from trying to survive and saying if I could just pay my rent. And I started saying if I could just be financially free and it only took two years to make this my yard instead of an apartment that I hated and that I couldn't pay anything for because I was struggling so much. And so my question to you is, what are your real sites set? Where are they truly set? Because the mind wants to convince you in societies, programming wants to convince you, Oh, you're not good enough. You're not smart enough. That's only this much possible because you're not one of them. You're not one of the lucky people. You're not from the rich families. You're not from the smart families. You don't have the right genes. You were born in the wrong place. You don't have the right resources. Besides you're too fat. No, no, no, no, no. You're too skinny. No, no, no, no, no. You're too old. You're just stupid. You're not very good with numbers. You're unlovable. You're very difficult in relation. No, no, no. Sure, sure, sure. You press the delete button right now. Comment down below. I am a divine being. Comment that down below I am a divine being. I am a divine being. Calm that down below. Get this. You were meant to experience. Why on earth would the universe create us if we were supposed to live and not have very much? Well, if I could just, uh, just, you know, just find somebody. We settle in relationships. We settle in, in our goals. We settled in our career. We settle in how people treat us because we just started to think that's only what's possible because we've been bogged down from the past, the emotions of the past and the energy of the collective consciousness of society where most people really haven't achieved their dream life and it influences us. Have You Ever Asked, "What Is BLOCKING The Law of Attraction?"" | THE SECRET No One Tells You!!


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