Thursday, May 16, 2019

Shocking Law of Attraction Technique To Manifest Money - (Pt.1) What They DON'T Want You To Know.. New video by Jake Ducey

Shocking Law of Attraction Technique To Manifest Money - (Pt.1) What They DON'T Want You To Know..
Shocking Law of Attraction Technique To Manifest Money - What They DON'T Want You To Know Pt.1 🌳 Demo The 2nd Mind Neuroprogrammer for free to manifest money 🌳 Demo The 2nd Mind Neuroprogrammer for free to manifest money Shocking Law of Attraction Technique To Manifest Money - (Pt.1) What They DON'T Want You To Know.. In this video we talk about law of attraction technique to manifest money and how to manifest money. In today's video we talk about Stuart Wilde and his seminar mastery of money. Stuart Wilde is one of the greatest metaphysical teachers I have ever come across on the subject of money. His seminar "mastery of money" helped me manifest money, and it changed my life. So today I break down his biggest ideas, so you can apply them into your life... Here's a link to one of Stuart's Talks on Master of Money You can also just google "Stuart Wilde Mastery of Money" 🌳 Demo The 2nd Mind Neuroprogrammer for free to manifest money n this video we discuss how to use the law of attraction to manifest money and success fast. This is Law of attraction explained in a simple manner so you can easily apply it to your everyday life. There are certain tricks to using law of attraction to easily manifest money, and we discuss them here. Most people struggle with law of attraction because they've never properly understood how they work. And most people struggle with money because they do not understand what money is, and because their relationship with money is so poor. In this video you'll learn how to use the law of attraction easily to manifest more money and success into your life. The first step is to understand that you're always using affirmations. Most of us spend our whole lives doing it unconsciously. We use unconscious negative affirmations as a technique that holds us back from what we want in life. You have to become conscious of your affirmations and begin to use positive thinking techniques to feel what you want before you have it. It's a constant affirmation meditation to visualize success and feel it in your nervous system. This is how you use positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind, how to visualize images, how to visualize what you want, and how to create what you want as a reality. Shocking Law of Attraction Technique To Manifest Money - (Pt.1) What They DON'T Want You To Know.. Transcript.. Number one, the the physical plane is not designed for people to become bridge. Now I'm not trying to be all doom and gloom, but the reality is that if you look out through history, there is always been a fraction of 1% that have propped up the the political elite and the system has been designed so that you do not get rich and I do not get rich. It's just been set up that way. And when we understand that and we no longer start to say the propaganda that was passed down to us, such as things like, well, uh, money is the root of all evil. You think the people that control the world think that? No, no, no, no, no. You think the people that can fly wherever they want in the world that can donate to the charities, they want to donate and send their kids to the schools and want to send them to and live in the homes they want and do what they want with their lives. Do you think that they say that? No. They do not say that. They tell us that, but they don't say it. They don't say money's root of all evil. At least I'm happy one day in the future, in the afterlife, then I'll finally be able to have some money. No, I want it right now. Right? That's the thing. And when we realize that we can start to break free from this system that they've set up in order to keep us down. And when you start to raise your money consciousness and you start to say, I deserve to be rich, it's my right to be rich, I'm going to be rich. That's in my destiny. That's when the card start to shift in your life. So comment down below right now, comment down below. It is my right to be rich, comma, that down below it is my right to be rich. It is my right to be rich. And here's the good thing you don't need to take from the rich people in order for you to get rich. You can use your consciousness to, to bend this physical reality in order for you to tap into the money flow, provide valuable service to the world and create financial freedom for yourself in your life as well. And what Stuart Wilde says is that the system has literally been set up. It has literally been engineered for you not to have money. So Stuart Wilde says the system is designed so that a few people have the wealth and the rest of the people do not have the wealth because it's designed like that. And because it comes down through thousands of years, the common man has to put in a certain amount of transcendent energy,


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