Monday, May 13, 2019

The Most Powerful Energy For Attracting What You Want | The Law of Attraction | The Secret New video by Jake Ducey

The Most Powerful Energy For Attracting What You Want | The Law of Attraction | The Secret
*** DOWNLOAD MY FREE SUCCESS HYPNOSIS @ **** DEMO THE 2nd MIND NEUROPROGRAMMER FOR FREE @ The Most Powerful Energy For Attracting What You Want | The Law of Attraction | The Secret Transcript... The most powerful universal of law of attraction energy for attracting what you want into your life. When you tap into this energy, when you tap into this vibration, when you tap into this frequency, you're going to be able to leverage the power of the universe so that you can attract the things that you want into your life quicker, faster, and easier. Some people will be like, Oh, you're lucky. Some people would be like, oh, that's not really possible, but you're in. Your results are going to speak for themselves because you're going to tap into the universal energy of abundance. So this is Jake [inaudible], Jake this is the most powerful universal law of attraction energies, frequency for attracting what you want. Let's dive right into this video. So the old man said to the little boy said to the little girl, young grasshopper, the one is patients, but what is the energy of that? Here's what I mean. This is why most people don't attract what they want. They decide what it is that they want. They set their goals. They were they, they work hard at it and they rewire their mind, but then they opened their eyes one day and they see and they look around. The money's still isn't here. My relationship stills and you're, my soulmate is in here. My dream job, career, lifestyle, it's not a year yet. That's the thing that I've been imagining. It doesn't exist. Maybe it's not possible. Maybe God doesn't want it to be. Maybe God says it's not meant to be. Maybe I'm not smart enough. Maybe I'm too bad. Maybe I'm too old. Maybe I'm too young. Maybe I'm too skinny. Maybe my teeth are too crooked. Maybe I'm not smart enough. Maybe just I was in born in the right family. I don't have the right genetics. None of that is the issue. That's the problem. The energy of patients, not the word. You think about the word. You say, Whoa, they're relaxed and they're waiting for something. We're talking about knowing the creative process of the universe. For something to become a physical object to become physical in nature, it has to first pass through the spiritual and the mental emotional realms because you exist on three planes of existence, physical plane, the spiritual emotion or the emotional, mental and the spiritual. You exist on the physical plane, the emotional, mental, and the spiritual. You exist on all three of those points. The physical reality, the mental, emotional realm, and the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm is where you conjure up new ideas for you. Say you get inspired because the word inspired is in spirit. That's where you're in spirit and you come up with an idea. How would I do this? I want this. I want to experience this and more of my life to be like this. I'd like to have this, and then in the mental and emotional realms, it passes down just like water. You know water can be liquid, it can be ice. We're can move into nonphysical gas. So you're taking these nonphysical dreams and desires. I want this out of my, I think about what it is that you want. Do you want more money? Do you want a relationship? Do you want? Is there a certain type of lice life that you want to live? Do you see some more? What is it that you see out of your life? Comment down below. What I want is here now coming to down below what I want is here. Now. Comment down below. What I want is here now, calming that down below. What I want is here now. So it's here in the spiritual realm, but then we take it to the mental and emotional realms. So how do our mental and emotional realms generally by rationing, by rationalizing, rationing lies. We look out and we go, well, I wanted the money, but look, my big count doesn't have any money. I wanted the soul mate. But now look, my last five relationships haven't worked out. I haven't really been in love with someone ever or it's been five years since I met someone I really liked. Yeah, I don't think there's any good guys left. I don't have enough money to attract the right women and we use our eyes to say whether or not we're progressing. We're going from the emotional and the mental realm to look at the physical realm to decide what's possible, but that's the backwards way you create. It doesn't go from what's in the physical realm.


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